Vendor Info

Welcome to Anything Goes On

Unlike many other merchant sites, we don’t believe in charging for every little thing that you do. We don’t charge for uploading products. We don’t charge for when you make a sale through our ads. And we don’t charge for renewing products. Our success is solely based on how successful you are. We give you the tools you need to make yourself an amazing store front, and help you increase your online presence.

Vendor Fees

On Anything Goes On we only charge 6% + 0.30 cents when you make a sale, as well as a 0.50 cent processing fee when transferring funds to your bank account. And that’s it!

Requesting a Withdrawal

Your account balance has to have a minimum of $25 in it and the order status of your delivery has to be completed before funds can be requested for transfer to your bank account.

Customer Refunds

We recommend that you try your best to work with a customer, and keep a civil tongue when talking with a customer. We know that the old saying, “A customer is always right.” It’s just not always the case. We’ve seen some interesting refund cases in our time. Work with the customer the best you can and make sure to fill out your store policies to better protect yourself in such cases. When a refund case comes to us, we do our best to figure out what action needs to be taken.

What Can You Sell

We know our name is Anything Goes On, but that’s just not the case. We’re not in the business of selling body parts, sex toy’s, smoking devices, or illegal substances, and substances that can lead to illegal substances. You can check our terms and agreements if there is any confusion on what you can or cannot sell.